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- 令人失望的卡塞尔文献展: 莫让文化渐失动力发表于2012-08-08
- 约翰-卓凡尼《The Tribuna of the Uffizi》 德国流浪艺术家约翰-卓凡尼(Johan Zoffany ,1733-1810)于1772年创作了《The Tribuna of the Uffizi》。之后,他被广泛地认同为英国著名的肖像画艺术家,也成为擅于发现和揭露伪装的大师。这幅画作描绘的是托斯卡纳大公一处位于佛罗伦萨八角形Tribuna(西方的一种建筑形式)中的大量藏品。画面反映杜克大学(Duke) 经济学家Pietro Leopoldo 对分类学问题的关注。说得...
- Disappointing Documenta; without direction or humour...发表于
- The painting, 'The Tribuna of the Uffizi' (1772-7) by the peripatetic German artist, Johan Zoffany (1733-1810), who became synonymous with very good portraits of the English gentry, is a masterful observation of pretentiousness. The painting which is a record of the collection of the Grand Duke of Tuscany in the octagonal Tribuna of the Uffizi in Florence, captures the taxonomic con...
- “艺术”何日实现资产化?发表于2012-07-16
- Artnet启用新数据分析法 艺术资产化已然成为Deloitte(德勒)第五届艺术投资高峰论坛的核心。今年很有趣的一个议题是——最具创新的互联网系统会给艺术领域带来什么?很多科技公司在做这样的推测:科技在艺术产业中将起到越来越大的作用。 佩夫斯纳(Boris Pevsner),Collectrium公司的总经理。他向我们透露了新的手机科技有这样一项功能:可以让收藏家将他们的iphone“设置”在一个艺术展会里或者...
- Basel and beyond. The world of art investment...发表于
- ArtNet Analytics. A new offering at Deloitte's Art investment conference in Basel The notion of art as an asset class was top of the agenda at the Deloitte 5th (bi)-annual art investment conference in Basel last week. One of the most interesting panel discussions focussed on the latest and most innovative online schemes in the art world. A panel of technology entrepreneurs put the cas...